The Basics of using AutoTag. Tutorials in this category include elementary operations such as inserting data-placeholders (we call them "tags") into templates, and looping through rows of data (or as the programmers call it, "ForEach")
In this section are several tutorials which show you how to connect to data in AutoTag using our easy and reliable datasource connector. Each tutorial covers a different data type, so choose one to fit your needs!
AutoTag uses "tags" as placeholders for data, calculations or the output of dynamic operations. These tutorials go over the basics of using each of our tags.
AutoTag provides a variety of tools to use in your documents and with your data. A couple of such tools are: the Data-Bin, Variables, and Pods. Check out these tutorials to learn more about these great features!
When you want to select data, you may want to use one of several more "advanced" features such as sorting and filtering data, or joining tables. The AutoTag Data Wizards not only allow you to do this, but also provide a neat, clean and easy-to-use interface in which you can do it. The Data Wizards might seem daunting at first, especially if you are unfamiliar with how data is stored and used, but after reading these tutorials, you will quickly get up to speed on everything you need to know.